Saturday, June 28, 2014

Letters to Anita : Letter 1

Dear Anita,
I tried to call you a couple of times yesterday. You did not pick up. It’s alright dear. You don’t have to say anything but just let me write this letter to you once in a while, because this is my salvation.
            I happen to go to the Gurdwara tea stall at the crossing of Elgin road today for a while. It felt strange to drink tea alone without you. Nothing has changed over there but yes a lot has changed from my side. The sweetness in the tea seemed to be less. Then I realized it’s your smile and laughter that was missing. It’s just that the emptiness sometimes kills me. I try to fill it up with your thoughts.
            I stand at Prinsep ghat and look into oblivion. The river flows and damn it does not stop for me to say hello. I never noticed before how it flows nonchalantly. I never got chance for your eyes never allowed me to do so. I stand by its side. I watch it for hours and try to gain strength from it. It goes on flowing no matter what might be the situation. I expect it to fill my soul with its nonchalance. It does not help.

Yours Always.

P.S. – Please reply.

1 comment:

Voice said...

Different from your usual posts. Waiting for the reply or part 2.
Keep looking the nonchalant river. It helps... may take sometime but it will