The echoes of pain scream in the murmuring woods of
forlornness. Shouting out and expecting the recurring sound to be a semblance
of elf words. But instead what hurls back are reminiscence like insane
profanity. Dreams refracted through prism of reality and strewn into multitude
of oblivion. Words; like bullets, either
kills or wounds. When it kills, it kills the soul. When it wounds, wounds heal.
But the scars remain.
A limping desolate soul tries to pickup momentum. But the
devil past will not concede. Fire of desire engulfs the mind and the cognizance
burn into ghastly spiraling smoke. A depleted warrior ponders over his squandered chances. The
impoverished prodigal has no mast to brace his soul. His only weapon is hope.
Hope is his only hope. His lungs belch out anger and anguish that gives wings
to his screams, only to collide with the mountainous reality. It is hurled back
to him and fans the fire that engulfed his mind. He loves the way it hurts.
He begins to climb the mountain to reach its top and scream