Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fences have seen fences....plenty of them. I have always wondered why do we need fences. I know you might be having some obvious answers. And I have often wondered what fences do. Is it for keeping us out? Or is it for keeping us in? Or probably both of them? hmmm...ummmm....well... interesting. Or is it to constrict our make a sense of being secured in a free world. You are free to do anything within fences of jurisdiction. How long have been free. Are you free. Do you have the freedom.

I love eagles. Have you seen them soaring high above with its enormous wings spread wide across. With wind splashing in his face and a warm sun at his back it flies to anywhere. I do sometimes wish that I was born an eagle. He has no boundaries. No one to stop him. Next time when up in the terrace, close your eyes, spread your hands and try to imagine that you are an eagle. Remember to spread your fingers just like the wings of an eagle. And try to imagine that you are flying. Its weird act but try once. You wont regret the wind blowing into your face.

When was the last time you felt free? When was the last time you felt like an eagle? Or is it that you have always compromised? All around you there are invisible fences which you don't see, or don't want to see. You have always wanted to be something in life, but you were told not to...or even worse...not allowed to. Worst of it, you really don't care, you have taken it for granted. You are not alone my friend. We all are in shackles which we are told does not exists or, are not allowed to see. Man greatest possession is his mind. It is with which he was born in this world. As a toddler you are taught many things, many wisdom, many rules. They try to bend and twist your mind and try to draw invisible fences. Basically they condition you. You are educated in so called cultured manner. You are told what is good and what is bad. And who teaches you all these things. Everyone around you. Parents, relatives, teachers and administration and list could go on and on.

But what about your mind? The free mind. That mind has every right to be free. But is there something called a free will. Ask people about what they wanted to become.Most of them will say something which is not what they are currently doing. This world has not allowed him/her to do that. The free mind and free heart starves. And will starve all through lifetime. It is then you feel the unhappiness no matter what things of 'happiness' you do. And there is a fair chance that you don,t even realize it. Because you are told by them that you are free. And you have believed them. And you do not see the shackles of rules and regulations.

What about me? You have a friend there my friend. We all are bounded by such fences. Unlike that eagle high up in the sky. Fences my friend. He does not have fences my friend.